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Billionaire Parenting Chapter 10 Review




  • During the 1950s, E. Paul Torrance took a special interest in the creativity of children.  Torrance developed a creativity test that is used when screening for gifted and talented classes. This test is used around the world. Common practices in schools and homes that may be killing creativity include:

    • Numerous evaluations: When we constantly make kids worry about how they are doing, they ignore internal satisfaction with their accomplishment, which further impacts self-esteem.

    • Over-bearing: Constantly telling a kid how to do things often leaves children feeling like their originality is a mistake and any exploration a waste of time.

    • Competition: Putting kids in a win-lose situation, where there is only one winner negates the process children progress at their own rates and so many give up before they even begin.

  • The labeled ADHD/ADD children are here to teach the lessons of gratitude and compassion. Research studies have shown that the majority of these kids come from ancestry that valued perfectionism and achievement, where control was an indirect lesson they observed from their parents or grandparents. These children are teaching their parents to have self-compassion for all their grandness in life. From a psychological perspective, if your trace the ancestry of the parents or grandparents of those that are deemed as having “ADD/ADHD” you will see a pattern that many have self-mandated many stressors in their life. These people normally go on to planning the next thing and the next thin and forget to enjoy the things they achieved so far, these are the indirect lessons their children picked up. A lesson of gratitude will help alleviate a lot of their stress.

  • The so-called learning disorders have, sadly, become a way for financially strapped schools to make ends meet. In many states, schools have become authorized Medicaid providers and funds can be collected in behalf of a child labeled with one of the learning or behavior disorders. In a letter dated October 8, 1996, the Illinois State Board of Education strongly encouraged the superintendent of one of its districts to participate in Medicaid incentives. The letter stated that Illinois had received $72,500,000 in federal Medicaid money in 1996 and those Medicaid dollars have been used for a variety of non-medical purposes and that “the potential for the dollars is limitless.”

Chapter 10:



          GIFTS TO THE


          GRATITUDE &



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