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Thirty-one million GMO school lunches are served  a day to our children in America.

These meals also contain food dyes, pesticides, synthetic chemicals and high fructose corn syrup which have been linked to diabetes, autism, food allergies, ADHD and auto immune diseases.


A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal.​​ The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges physicians to advise all patients to avoid GMO food. GMOs and their derivatives are said to be in upwards of 85% of all conventional processed foods in the United States.


Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with consuming genetically modified foods including: infertility, immune problems, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and gastrointestinal systems.  Children, with their developing systems, are especially susceptible to the negative effects of a diet containing GMOs.​​


Foods produced in the U.S containing high fructose corn syrup, cottonseed oil and canola oil are most likely genetically modified, and have been grown with higher amounts of toxic herbicides than ever before. These foods include, but are not limited to, conventional processed snack foods, breakfast cereals, baking mixes, sodas, foods with soy ingredients and derivatives, and some infant formulas.


Today, upwards of 85% of all soy, corn, canola, sugar beets, and cotton grown in the United States and Canada are Roundup Ready,  genetically modified to resist the toxic herbicide known as Roundup.  Since GMO introduction into our food supply in 1996, the use of Roundup has gone up 39% on corn, doubled on soybeans and tripled on cotton. Roundup is produced by Monsanto, a multinational corporation that also owns much of the world's seeds.


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Whole-Listic Children's Foundation

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